Did you know that airliners can be flown by remote control, as suggested in the Northwoods proposal? This clip shows a test in 1984 where a Boeing 720 flew for 16 hours under remote control. (21 sec)

Did you suppose that no one anticipated a major attack on the World Trade Center? This FEMA report, from 1997, pictures the WTC in crosshairs, as a prime terrorist target. (8 sec)

In September 2000 the Project for a New American Century (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfwitz, ...) described in detail their plans for war and conquest when Bush took office. They explicitly mentioned that a new Pearl Harbor would expedite their plans. (26 sec)

For decades it had been standard policy to scramble interceptors whenever a plane was hijacked or went off course. In June 2001, the rules were changed so that only the Secretary of Defense could approve the use of interceptors. Why? Soon after this, the Attorney General stops travelling in commercial aircraft. (23 sec)

On 9/11, an eyewitness broadcaster claims unequivocally that the attacking plane was not a civilian craft. Why has this never again been mentioned in mainstream sources? Are we seeing the Northwood scenario being played out a false flag attack using a radio-controlled drone? (34 sec)

The World Trade Centers collapsed at nearly free-fall speedimpossible for a pancake collapse. Here we can clearly see and hear the massive explosions that brought down the first tower. Such explosives could only be installed as part of an inside job, the new Pearl Harbor needed by the Neocons to carry out their carefully laid plans. (25 sec)

It's a very good point. Clearly the American ruling class is not averse to extreme violence against us ("the masses"). Whilst I have been critical of the "inside job" theory about 9/11, I seriously re-evaluated my earlier skepticism after I learned about the "strategy of tension" in Italy (helped by the CIA), Operation Northwoods, and the Oklahoma City bombing. This last seriously disturbed me. In his book "The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror" by David Hoffman, convincing evidence is presented that the tragic bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building was partly the work of the US Federal Government.
- Ned Swing
Hi Ned - thanks for your comments.
More and more people are waking up to the reality of false-flag events, and their long history. Hoffman's book sounds like a good wake-up vehicle.
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